Product News
Product development is a continuous process at Weddle Industries. Our design team is constantly searching for ways to make things stronger, function better or easier to install.
The MINT 400 is coming and we are excited to announce the largest Weddle Contingency Awards ever offered. The Mint is one of our favorite events of the year and we want to encourage all Weddle-equipped race teams to go big in Vegas. Weddle Industries is offering Mint 400 Contingency Awards totaling $10,500!
2020 Weddle Industries MINT 400 Contingency Awards
Unlimited Truck—1st place $1000
Class 1—1st place $1000
Super Buggy—1st place $1000
Class 10—1st place $2500
Class 7—1st place $1000
UTV Pro Turbo—1st place $500
UTV Pro NA—1st place $500
UTV Pro Unlimited —1st place $500
Class 5 Unlimited—1st place $500
Class 5-1600 —1st place $500
Class 1/2-1600—1st place $500
Class 1100—1st place $500
Class 11—1st place $500
The Mint 400
March 3-8, 2020 | Las Vegas, Nevada
#WeddleEquipped #WeddleRacingGears #AlbinsAGB #AlbinsST6 #Mint400