Product News
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Henderson, Nevada—Recent rains kept the dust down for the BITD Henderson 250 presented by Supercross.com, the final race of the 2014 BITD season. In addition, Casey Folks and the BITD crew graded the majority of the course, making an already fast race even faster. The official word from BITD for the move to smooth out the course was for safety reasons. Though there were the inevitable gripes that this made this course too easy to compete on, it also meant that each driver was able to push his car to the limit. The double points at stake gave every competitor a reason to push even harder.
Learn more about Albins AGB Gearboxes here.
For the drivers in Class 1500, this was no exception. Lalo Laguna in the Albins AGB equipped RPM car 1537 gave the leading Trick Trucks a run for their money. He blazed his way to finish third overall behind Trick Truck 1 Jason Voss and Trick Truck 90 Josh Daniel to take the top 1500 spot on the podium in 3:55:56. 1570 Harley Letner finished second in class and 1577 Justin Lofton grabbed third.
Even though Corey Keysar, in AGB equipped car 1520, missed finishing in the 1500 top ten by one spot, his finish was good enough to crown the Keysar Racing team the 2014 BITD Class 1500 Season Champs.
Huge congrats to all the finishers of this year’s Henderson 250. Big shout to Casey Folks and the entire BITD crew for another outstanding race season. See you in Parker!